Automated Driving SystemADASAutonomous drivingAutomotive perception systemArtificial IntelligenceAutomotiveAI performance metricsAdvanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)autonomous vehiclesAutonomous CarsAdverse Weatherautomotive applicationAutonomous vehicles
camera manufacturecamera angle estimationCamerasConvolutional Neural Network (CNN)Computer visionComputer Vision
Deep learningdeep learningDriving-specificDataset imbalanceDeep neural networkdynamic feature accumulationdemosaic
End-to-end performance
Face detection and recognitionfisheye lensflare testing
Heterogeneous SoCs
Image QualityImage Quality MetricsImage systems simulationImage Signal Processor
Machine LearningMotion BlurMonocular depth estimationmodulation transfer functionModulation Transfer Function (MTF)machine learning
nuScenes datasetNeural network
OpenVxonline model estimationoptical flowOptical Quality
PerceptionP2020perceptionPedestrian Behavior Analysis
Radar as a supervision signalRadarRay TracingRANSACRadar for depth estimationRain
SensorsSystem on Chip (SoC)sensors and processorsStray light testingSystem Power OptimizationSimulation
tRANSACTask interdependencies
ValidationVideo analytics systemsVideo compression
Month and year
  61  33
Pages A16-1 - A16-8,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

Advancements in sensing, computing, image processing, and computer vision technologies are enabling unprecedented growth and interest in autonomous vehicles and intelligent machines, from self-driving cars to unmanned drones, to personal service robots. These new capabilities have the potential to fundamentally change the way people live, work, commute, and connect with each other, and will undoubtedly provoke entirely new applications and commercial opportunities for generations to come. The main focus of AVM is perception. This begins with sensing. While imaging continues to be an essential emphasis in all EI conferences, AVM also embraces other sensing modalities important to autonomous navigation, including radar, LiDAR, and time of flight. Realization of autonomous systems also includes purpose-built processors, e.g., ISPs, vision processors, DNN accelerators, as well core image processing and computer vision algorithms, system design and architecture, simulation, and image/video quality. AVM topics are at the intersection of these multi-disciplinary areas. AVM is the Perception Conference that bridges the imaging and vision communities, connecting the dots for the entire software and hardware stack for perception, helping people design globally optimized algorithms, processors, and systems for intelligent “eyes” for vehicles and machines.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  81  42
Pages 110-1 - 110-6,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) is widely used in computer vision and automotive related applications. It is an iterative method to estimate parameters of mathematical model from a set of observed data that contains outliers. In computer vision, such observed data is usually a set of features (such as feature points, line segments) extracted from images. In automotive related applications, RANSAC can be used to estimate lane vanishing point, camera rotation angles, ground plane etc. In such applications, changing content of road scene makes stable online model estimation very difficult. In this paper, we propose a framework called tRANSAC to dynamically accumulate features across time so that online RANSAC model estimation can be stably performed. Feature accumulation across time is done in such a dynamic way that when RANSAC tends to perform robustly and stably, accumulated features are discarded fast so that fewer redundant features are used for RANSAC estimation; when RANSAC tends to perform poorly, accumulated features are discarded slowly so that more features can be used for better RANSAC estimation. Experiment results on road scene dataset for camera angle estimation show that the proposed method gives more stable and accurate model compared to baseline method in online RANSAC estimation.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  110  36
Pages 111-1 - 111-6,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

Practical video analytics systems that are deployed in bandwidth constrained environments like autonomous vehicles perform computer vision tasks such as face detection and recognition. In an end-to-end face analytics system, inputs are first compressed using popular video codecs like HEVC and then passed onto modules that perform face detection, alignment, and recognition sequentially. Previously, the modules of these systems have been evaluated independently using task-specific imbalanced datasets that can misconstrue performance estimates. In this paper, we perform a thorough end-to-end evaluation of a face analytics system using a driving-specific dataset, which enables meaningful interpretations. We demonstrate how independent task evaluations and dataset imbalances can overestimate system performance. We propose strategies to balance the evaluation dataset and to make its annotations consistent across multiple analytics tasks and scenarios. We then evaluate the end-to-end system performance sequentially to account for task interdependencies. Our experiments show that our approach provides a true estimate of the end-to-end performance for critical real-world systems.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  56  29
Pages 112-1 - 112-5,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

Deep learning (DL)-based algorithms are used in many integral modules of ADAS and Automated Driving Systems. Camera based perception, Driver Monitoring, Driving Policy, Radar and Lidar perception are few of the examples built using DL algorithms in such systems. These real-time DL applications requires huge compute requires up to 250 TOPs to realize them on an edge device. To meet the needs of such SoCs efficiently in-terms of Cost and Power silicon vendor provide a complex SoC with multiple DL engines. These SoCs also comes with all the system resources like L2/L3 on-chip memory, high speed DDR interface, PMIC etc to feed the data and power to utilize these DL engines compute efficiently. These system resource would scale linearly with number of DL engines in the system. This paper proposes solutions to optimizes these system resource to provide cost and Power efficient solution. (1) Co-operative and Adaptive asynchronous DL engines scheduling to optimize the peak resources usage in multiple vectors like memory size, throughput, Power/ Current. (2) Orchestration of Co-operative and Adaptive Multi-core DL Engines to achieve synchronous execution to achieve maximum utilization of all the resources. The proposed solution achieves upto 30% power saving or reducing overhead by 75% in 4 core configuration consisting of 32 TOPS.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  90  29
Pages 113--1 - 113-6,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

A typical edge compute SoC capable of handling deep learning workloads at low power is usually heterogeneous by design. It typically comprises multiple initiators such as real-time IPs for capture and display, hardware accelerators for ISP, computer vision, deep learning engines, codecs, DSP or ARM cores for general compute, GPU for 2D/3D visualization. Every participating initiator transacts with common resources such as L3/L4/DDR memory systems to seamlessly exchange data between them. A careful orchestration of this dataflow is important to keep every producer/consumer at full utilization without causing any drop in real-time performance which is critical for automotive applications. The software stack for such complex workflows can be quite intimidating for customers to bring-up and more often act as an entry barrier for many to even evaluate the device for performance. In this paper we propose techniques developed on TI’s latest TDA4V-Mid SoC, targeted for ADAS and autonomous applications, which is designed around ease-of-use but ensuring device entitlement class of performance using open standards such as DL runtimes, OpenVx and GStreamer.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  215  63
Pages 116-1 - 116-6,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

This paper presents the design of an accurate rain model for the commercially-available Anyverse automotive simulation environment. The model incorporates the physical properties of rain and a process to validate the model against real rain is proposed. Due to the high computational complexity of path tracing through a particle-based model, a second more computationally efficient model is also proposed. For the second model, the rain is modeled using a combination of a particle-based model and an attenuation field. The attenuation field is fine-tuned against the particle-only model to minimize the difference between the models.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  383  138
Pages 117--1 - 117-5,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

Optimizing exposure time for low light scenarios involves a trade-off between motion blur and signal to noise ratio. A method for defining the optimum exposure time for a given function has not been described in the literature. This paper presents the design of a simulation of motion blur and exposure time from the perspective of a real-world camera. The model incorporates characteristics of real-world cameras including the light level (quanta), shot noise and lens distortion. In our simulation, an image quality target chart called the Siemens Star chart will be used, and the simulation outputs a blurred image as if captured from a camera of set exposure and set movement speed. The resulting image is then processed in Imatest in which image quality readings will be extracted from the image and consequently the relationship between exposure time, motion blur and the image quality metrics can be evaluated.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  290  94
Pages 118-1 - 118-8,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

The design and evaluation of complex systems can benefit from a software simulation - sometimes called a digital twin. The simulation can be used to characterize system performance or to test its performance under conditions that are difficult to measure (e.g., nighttime for automotive perception systems). We describe the image system simulation software tools that we use to evaluate the performance of image systems for object (automobile) detection. We describe experiments with 13 different cameras with a variety of optics and pixel sizes. To measure the impact of camera spatial resolution, we designed a collection of driving scenes that had cars at many different distances. We quantified system performance by measuring average precision and we report a trend relating system resolution and object detection performance. We also quantified the large performance degradation under nighttime conditions, compared to daytime, for all cameras and a COCO pre-trained network.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  136  56
Pages 119-1 - 119-6,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

The goal of our work is to design an automotive platform for AD/ADAS data acquisition and to demonstrate its application to behavior analysis of vulnerable road users. We present a novel data capture platform mounted on a Mercedes GLC vehicle. The car is equipped with an array of sensors and recording hardware including multiple RGB cameras, Lidar, GPS and IMU. For subsequent research on human behavior analysis in traffic scenes, we have conducted two kinds of data recordings. Firstly, we have designed a range of artificial test cases which we recorded on a safety regulated proving ground with stunt persons to capture rare events in traffic scenes in a predictable and structured way. Secondly, we have recorded data on public streets of Vienna, Austria, showing unconstrained pedestrian behavior in an urban setting, while also considering European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. We describe the overall framework including data acquisition and ground truth annotation, and demonstrate its applicability for the implementation and evaluation of selected deep learning models for pedestrian behavior prediction.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023
  111  39
Pages 122-1 - 122-7,  © 2023, Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2023
Volume 35
Issue 16

Recently, many works have proposed to fuse radar data as an additional perceptual signal into monocular depth estimation models because radar data is robust against various light and weather conditions. Although positive results were reported in prior works, it is still hard to tell how much depth information radar can contribute to a depth estimation model. In this paper, we propose radar inference and supervision experiments to investigate the intrinsic depth capability of radar data using state-of-the-art depth estimation models on the nuScenes dataset. In the inference experiment, the model predicts depth by taking only radar as input to demonstrate the inference capability of radar data. In the supervision experiment, a monocular depth estimation model is trained under radar supervision to show the intrinsic depth information that radar can contribute. Our experiments demonstrate that the model with only sparse radar input can detect the shape of surroundings to a certain extent in the predicted depth. Furthermore, the monocular depth estimation model supervised by preprocessed radar achieves a good performance compared to the baseline model trained with sparse lidar supervision.

Digital Library: EI
Published Online: January  2023


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