This paper presents the design of an accurate rain model for the commercially-available Anyverse automotive simulation environment. The model incorporates the physical properties of rain and a process to validate the model against real rain is proposed. Due to the high computational complexity of path tracing through a particle-based model, a second more computationally efficient model is also proposed. For the second model, the rain is modeled using a combination of a particle-based model and an attenuation field. The attenuation field is fine-tuned against the particle-only model to minimize the difference between the models.
Tim Brophy, Brian Deegan, Javier Salado, Ángel Tena, Patrick Denny, Martin Glavin, Enda Ward, Jonathan Horgan, Edward Jones, "The design and validation of a rain model for a simulated automotive environment" in Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp 116-1 - 116-6,