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Volume: 35 | Article ID: AVM-117
Simulating motion blur and exposure time and evaluating its effect on image quality
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2023.35.16.AVM-117  Published OnlineJanuary 2023

Optimizing exposure time for low light scenarios involves a trade-off between motion blur and signal to noise ratio. A method for defining the optimum exposure time for a given function has not been described in the literature. This paper presents the design of a simulation of motion blur and exposure time from the perspective of a real-world camera. The model incorporates characteristics of real-world cameras including the light level (quanta), shot noise and lens distortion. In our simulation, an image quality target chart called the Siemens Star chart will be used, and the simulation outputs a blurred image as if captured from a camera of set exposure and set movement speed. The resulting image is then processed in Imatest in which image quality readings will be extracted from the image and consequently the relationship between exposure time, motion blur and the image quality metrics can be evaluated.

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Hao Lin, Brian Deegan, Jonathan Horgan, Enda Ward, Patrick Denny, Ciarán Eising, Martin Glavin, Edward Jones, "Simulating motion blur and exposure time and evaluating its effect on image qualityin Electronic Imaging,  2023,  pp 117--1 - 117-5,

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Electronic Imaging
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