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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00010
Deep Learning Features for Discriminating Between Benign and Malignant Microcalcification Lesions
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.10.IPAS-246  Published OnlineJanuary 2021

Accurate diagnosis of microcalcification (MC) lesions in mammograms as benign or malignant is a challenging clinical task. In this study we investigate the potential discriminative power of deep learning features in MC lesion diagnosis. We consider two types of deep learning networks, of which one is a convolutional neural network developed for MC detection and the other is a denoising autoencoder network. In the experiments, we evaluated both the separability between malignant and benign lesions and the classification performance of image features from these two networks using Fisher's linear discriminant analysis on a set of mammographic images. The results demonstrate that the deep learning features from the MC detection network are most discriminative for classification of MC lesions when compared to both features from the autoencoder network and traditional handcrafted texture features.

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Juan Wang, Liang Lei, Yongyi Yang, "Deep Learning Features for Discriminating Between Benign and Malignant Microcalcification Lesionsin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIX,  2021,  pp 246-1 - 246-6,

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