The idea of contrast at a pixel, including contrast in colour or higher-dimensional image data, has traditionally been associated with the Structure Tensor, also named the di Zenzo matrix or Harris matrix. This 2 × 2 array encapsulates how colour-channel first-derivatives give rise to change in any spatial direction in x, y. The di Zenzo or Harris matrix Z has been put to use in several different applications. For one, the Spectral Edge method for image fusion uses Z for a putative colour image, along with the Z for higher-dimensional data, to produce an altered RGB image which properly has exactly the same Z as that of high-D data. So e.g. the contrast from RGB + NIR images can be fused such that Z in RGB takes on the same values as Z for 4-D data. As well, Z has been used as the foundation for the Harris interest-point or corner-point detector. However, a competing definition for Z is the 2 × 2 Hessian matrix, formed from second-derivative values rather than first derivatives. In this paper we develop a novel Z which in the first place utilizes the Harris Z, but then goes on to modify Z by adding some information from the Hessian. Moreover, here we consider an extension to a Hessian for colour or higher-D image data which treats colour channels not as simply to be added, but in a colour formulation that generates the Hessian from a colour vector. For image fusion, experiments are carried out on three datasets of 50 images each. Using the modified version of Z that includes Hessian information, results are shown to retain more details and also generate fused images that have smaller CIELAB errors from the original RGB. Using the new Z in corner-detection, the novel colour Hessian produces interest points that are more accurate, and as well generates fewer mistake points.
Saman Tahery, Mark S. Drew, "A Novel Colour Hessian and its Applications" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications, 2017, pp 171 - 176,