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Volume: 8 | Article ID: art00003
Materials of Construction Test: Insuring the Use of Safe Materials in Photo Books
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4672.2017.8.1.art00003  Published OnlineNovember 2017

The photographic industry has had a long-standing concern over the use of materials containing poly vinyl chloride (PVC) materials. This caution was warranted due to PVC materials and plasticizers causing damage to silver halide photographic prints in the 1970s and early 1980s, often from album covers and print storage sleeves, among others. Several international standards for safe storage of photographic materials specifically forbid the use of PVC-containing materials. However, as the photo book industry has grown, new imaging materials are now in use, such as pages produced with electrophotographic printing technologies. In addition the actual materials used in construction of the photo book itself have changed, including the use of modern PVC-containing materials. Given the historical concerns around the use of PVC, an extensive test was designed to explore a range of modern PVC-containing materials in combination with the typical range of imaging media in use today. This includes silver halide, electrophotographic, inkjet, and thermal dye transfer imaging systems. This paper will review the design, implementation, and results of this test, as well as provide recommendations and test procedures that can be used to determine the compatibility of photo book construction materials with various imaging systems.

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Joseph E. LaBarca, Stuart T. Gordon, "Materials of Construction Test: Insuring the Use of Safe Materials in Photo Booksin Proc. Int'l Symp.on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment,  2017,  pp 13 - 25,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2017
International Symposium on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology