Traditionally, digital image science technology has been automatically applied by the photolab printer processing module or PC. It may not be required or applied for perfectly exposed and color balanced images. Applying image science to most other files will improve both image display and print results by adjusting color balance, background/subject ~ density/contrast, removal of unwanted redeye, gradation and other issues. Enhanced image science technology will also improve image detail when interpolation is required, smooth-out JPEG Blocking*, reduce noise and sharpen files. Applying image science post-capture on the device, online when image viewing or at the kiosk will increase the percentages of acceptable images printed generating revenue from what may have been discarded files by the consumer.
Ron Kubara, "Image Enhancing on Consumer's Displays for Increased Printing" in Proc. Int'l Symp.on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment, 2012, pp 1 - 6,