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Volume: 37 | Article ID: art00007_1
Recreating the Relief of the Temple of the Jaguars: Exploring Digital and Analogue 2.5D Printing of Mesoamerican Imagery
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2021.37.41  Published OnlineOctober 2021

Digital and analogue printing methods are studied for reconstructing a Mayan decorative relief from the ancient temple of the Jaguars. Height maps, image files encoding height information as intensity values, were produced in commercial image editing software from early 20th century photographic records. Physical height was generated in different materials through analogue printing processes including casting and embossing from photo exposed polymer plates, and digital processes including 2.5D elevated printing and stereolithography. The surface geometry of the outcomes from the analogue processes was recorded using photometric stereo to obtain feedback on the translation of the grayscale range onto relief. 2.5D prints produced with Canon Elevated Printing and stereolithography were used for comparison and qualitive assessment. Differences, parallels and sustainability of the processes are discussed.

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Abigail Trujillo Vazquez, Xavier Aure, Susanne Klein, Carinna Parraman, "Recreating the Relief of the Temple of the Jaguars: Exploring Digital and Analogue 2.5D Printing of Mesoamerican Imageryin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP37),  2021,  pp 41 - 46,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2021
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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