aerodynamicsadditive manufactureAdditive Manufacturing
Boundary layer
Continuous inkjet printingCraftcontact anglecalibrationcalibration 3d printingCalibrationcoated cardboardcomputational halftonecolor perceptioncharged droplets
digital fabricationDocument AuthenticationDisplayed tabletdesign
embedded informationEthanol-water mixture dropletExtended Kalman Filter
GlossGeometric featuregelatin
high-speed imagingHalftoning
inkinkjetIndexink jetInkJet PrintingInkjet ink
Kalman Filter
LaserJet Printing
manufacturingmachine learningmagnetostrictive printheadMagnetic nanocomposite
NanocompositesNotch featureNovel AC Method to Drive High Temp FDM Hotend
probabilistic graphical modelsPhotogravurepractice-led designPrinting differentiationprintingpotentiometric nitrate sensor
Rewriteable digital tagReliefRewriteable informationrobotics
sensorsSimilarity perceptionSubjective evaluationscreen printingScreen Printingspreading speed
Tone Curve Compensationtraditional tools and new toolsTrackingtone reproductiontemperature sensor
Vision visualizationVisualization
Z-type Schlieren
1st and 2nd FM generation 3D halftoning
2.5 D printing2D2.5D printing
3D printing3D halftoning3D surface reproduction3D Iterative Halftoning3D-printing3D Halftoning3D print3D3D Printing3D surface structure based halftoning
Month and year
  11  4
Pages i - xiv,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  32  8
Pages 1 - 5,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Tailored magnetic nanocomposites have applications ranging from communications technologies to medical devices. Using a novel 3D fabrication technique that combines thermal inkjet and powder bed fusion print technologies, magnetic composites were fabricated by jetting magnetic nanoparticle containing ink into a polymer powder bed and then heat fusing the ink/polymer matrix. The goals were to demonstrate the feasibility of nanocomposite fabrication with controllable magnetic properties by varying the volume fraction of magnetic ink jetted into the polymer as well as to experimentally validate the effective medium theory based model developed to predict the permeability of the composites as a function of its magnetic particle concentration. As expected, magnetic susceptibility and saturation magnetization were seen to increase with the volume fraction of magnetic particles in the composites.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  21  1
Pages 6 - 11,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

The Woodburytype process is one of the only printing processes capable of producing continuous tone. It is a 2.5D process that produces a textured relief print from a gelatin-based ink that contains no photo-active element and therefore does not degrade with time. Despite all these advantages, the process is time consuming and requires the use of precision equipment to build the printing plate. We explore the initial insights into using more common additive manufacture technologies in producing both a printing plate and in ink characterization for selective deposition of the viscous gelatin ink itself.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  24  0
Pages 12 - 16,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

This paper presents a technique for embedding information into a 3D object. The technique can rewrite the information non-destructively. Information can be rewritten into the object using magnetization and demagnetization from the outside of the fabricated object. We are studying the factors that can make more clear readability and effective rewritability in embedding data into 3D objects. One factor is the amount of magnetic filament that we use for representing the information in each position. We found that the strength of the magnetic field varies in accordance with the amount of filament. In this way, we can control the size, frequency, and capacity of future embedded information.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  24  1
Pages 17 - 21,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Recently, the three-dimensional (3D) printing technique has received much attention for the shape forming and manufacturing. In this work, for the first time, we present the fabrication of inkjet printed 3-diamentional (3D) low cost temperature sensor on a 3D shaped thermoplastic substrate suitable for packaging, flexible electronics and other printed application. The design, fabrication and testing of a 3D printed temperature sensor is presented. The sensor pattern is designed using computer-aided design (CAD) program and fabricated by inkjet printing with a drop-on-demand (DoD) using magnetostrictive inkjet printhead at room temperature. The sensing pattern is printed using commercially available conductive silver nanoparticles ink (AgNPs). The moving speed of 90 mm/min is chosen to print the sensor pattern. The inkjet printed temperature sensor is demonstrated and characterized with good electrical properties, showing a good sensitivity and linearity. The results indicate that the 3D inkjet printing technology may have a great applied potential in sensor fabrication.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  11  0
Pages 22 - 25,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

In recent years, some FDM 3D printer manufacturing companies succeeded in going beyond hotend temperature of 400°C to take advantage of new highly durable materials known as “super engineering plastic”. To accomplish the high temperature operation, the de facto industry standard is to employ the high-powered heater and liquid cooling system for their machines.A new high temperature hotend was developed based on completely different concept has been developed which does not require conventional cooling system to achieve 500°C level temperature. However, it is almost at the high end of the FDM processing temperature limit and extreme care was taken to develop the compact, self-contained, and eco-friendly and heating-on-demand hotend. We had high hopes for the new hotend not only from the industry viewpoint, but also from contribution to minimize global warming.However, we found a product life issue intermittently with the newly developed hotend. This report is on a novel approach to remedy the problem to extend the new hotend life longer, contributing to longevity of the high temperatures and stable operation with high reliability for 3D printing.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  21  3
Pages 26 - 31,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Invention, innovation and insight are keywords for any technologist and designer working in the academic or commercial sector. In the twenty-first century, a wealth of new and emerging materials, alongside digital methods for the manufacture of products and services are transforming and enhancing our lives. But there are also the age-old techniques and crafts traditions that demonstrate fundamental benchmarks in material culture that are the foundation for high-quality printing and fabrication today and in the future. And without these benchmarks in quality, we have no assurance as to diversity and quality over the ubiquitous and inadequate.Exploring the future of printing and fabrication, new ways of thinking and working, alongside traditional methods of making, this paper sets out the shifting field of Homo Faber and the human condition, and how digital technologies are transforming craft and design.The presentation includes multi-disciplinary research undertaken at The Centre for Fine Print Research (CFPR). Researchers are exploring and researching new transformative technologies, working and communicating across disciplines and industries. The Centre is at the forefront of craft and digital fabrication, combining knowledge of traditional and new tools, sustainable materials as part of the circular economy, robotics for practice-led design, exploring physical and tactile surfaces for human engagement, and historic methods for cultural reconstruction.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  20  3
Pages 32 - 36,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Over the past decade, the trade of counterfeit goods has increased. This has been enabled by advancements in low-cost digital printing methods (e.g., inkjet and laserjet) that are an asset for counterfeit production methods. However, each printing method produces characteristic printed features that can be used to identify not only the printing method, but also, uniquely identify the specific make and model of printer. This knowledge can be used for determination of whether or not the analyzed item is counterfeit. During the first phase of this research, chemical and physical analyses were performed on printed documents and ink samples for two types of digital printing: inkjet and laserjet. The results showed that it is possible to identify the digital method used to print a document by its unique features. Physical analysis revealed that the laserjet prints have a higher image quality characterized by sharper feature edge quality, brighter image area, and a thicker ink layer (10 micron average thickness) than in inkjet documents. Chemical analysis showed that the inkjet and laserjet inks could easily be distinguished by identifying the various ink components. Ink jet inks included (among others) water, ethylene glycol while laserjet inks presented styrene, methacrylate, and sulfide compounds.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  16  0
Pages 37 - 43,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Well-known models to explain the interaction between liquids and surfaces include parameters as fluid viscosity, surface tension and density. About the surface, the properties as porosity and roughness, and surface energy are relevant. Regarding Inkjet printing this interaction can be influenced also by ink injection parameters. Several studies were published in the last years using these models to analyze different substrates for Inkjet as plain and Inkjet papers. The experiments here focused on this interaction but between Inkjet inks and coated cardboards. The main findings are related to an opposite ink spreading speed of pigment and dye inks with increasing of ink surface tension and viscosity. It was also demonstrated a high correlation between spreading speed and total surface energy of the cardboards.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020
  29  2
Pages 44 - 53,  © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
Volume 36
Issue 1

Continuous Inkjet (CIJ) printing relies on steering charged droplets accurately to the surface with electric fields. A vital component is the set of deflecting electrodes within the printhead that create these fields. Unwanted deposition of ink on the electrodes, known as build-up, is a concern for operators because it modifies the applied electric field, affects long-term reliability and requires manual intervention, but is not widely reported or explored. Here we report a laser-based high-speed visualisation technique to observe build-up and show it stems from small satellite droplets that break off from the main printed drops. We characterise the material build-up and reveal its nanoscale particulate nature. Combining the tracking with characterisation allows us to quantify the charge-to-mass ratio of these droplets. This study provides a route to understand the build-up phenomenon and will enable optimisation of the printing conditions and printing reliability.

Digital Library: PRINT4FAB
Published Online: October  2020


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