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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00108_1
Placenta Vasculature 3D Printed Imaging and Teaching Phantoms
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2017.32.431  Published OnlineSeptember 2016

Three-dimensional printing makes it possible to create patient-specific, complex anatomical geometries that can be used for training, teaching and surgical planning. The human placenta is a vital organ that transports nutrients from the mothers' uterine circulation to the fetus via a complex vasculature. Complications of the fetal vasculature are increasingly being imaged with ultrasound and treated before birth using invasive fetal therapy. There is a need for human placenta training phantoms such as placental anastomoses that occur in monochorionic twin pregnancy and can cause twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and fetal death, if untreated. In this study we developed two phantoms based on the human placenta using 3D printing technology: an ultrasound imaging phantom and an anatomical teaching model.

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D. I Nikitichev, W Xia, B Daher, E. R Hill, R. Y. J Wong, A. L David, A. E Desjardins, S Ourselin, T Vercauteren, "Placenta Vasculature 3D Printed Imaging and Teaching Phantomsin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP32),  2016,

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