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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00010_1
Inkjet Printing and the Steady State Macroscopic Mechanical Energy Balance (SSMMEB) Equation
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2017.32.21  Published OnlineSeptember 2016

The author is a co-author on a Wiley book under preparation entitled the “Handbook of Industrial Inkjet” (chief editor Werner Zapka). One area of relevant new content in this book is in surface manufacturing, which refers to the customization of a finished product — usually a manufactured good — by using printing and/or printing-like processes. Surface manufacturing is a form of additive manufacturing in which there is a template in the form of a partially finished object upon which to use as a surface for the (usually product-finishing) custom manufacturing. There are four major types of inkjetting that can be considered for a role in surface manufacturing. After describing these, we then consider their use in surface manufacturing in light of the Steady State Balance Macroscopic Mechanical Energy (SSMMEB) Equation. Some approaches to designing for variability are then discussed.

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Steven J Simske, "Inkjet Printing and the Steady State Macroscopic Mechanical Energy Balance (SSMMEB) Equationin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP32),  2016,

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