This paper reviews the issues pertaining to reflection microdensitometry studies of printed media, with particular emphasis on inkjet printing.Traditionally densitometry on a micro scale was achieved using a device called a microdensitometer. The predominant use of such equipment was for transmission studies of images recorded on photographic film. With the advent of inkjet technology, where the majority of media are opaque diffuse reflectors any need to analyze images on a micro scale will need reflection facilities. This paper details the design parameters that need consideration for reflection densitometry on a micro scale. Comparisons with flatbed scanners and camera based image analysis systems are also covered. The measurement issues are also pertinent to Digital Fabrication systems too!
Alan Hodgson, "Reflection Microdensitometry in the Digital Age" in Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), 2006, pp 252 - 255,