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Volume: 21 | Article ID: art00009_3
Novel Concepts in Direct Writing of Electronics and Sensors
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2005.21.2.art00009_3  Published OnlineJanuary 2005

This paper outlines new capabilities in the arena of maskless direct writing of advanced materials for applications in thick film electronic circuits and sensors. The genesis of this capability lies in advanced concepts based on a thermal spray particle-based deposition technology which allows for printing of 3D conformal mesoscale components of metals, ceramics, composites and polymers onto a range of substrates at low substrate temperatures. The capabilities derived offer new approaches towards integrating structures with electronics and sensors.

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Sanjay Sampath, "Novel Concepts in Direct Writing of Electronics and Sensorsin Proc. IS&T Digital Fabrication Conf.,  2005,  pp 21 - 24,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2005
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
nip digi fabric conf
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