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Volume: 18 | Article ID: art00058_1
Solder Jet™ - Optics Jet™ - AromaJet™ - Reagent Jet - Tooth Jet and other Applications of Ink-Jet Printing Technology
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2002.18.1.art00058_1  Published OnlineJanuary 2002

Over the past twenty years, ink-jet printing technology has not only become a dominant player in the low cost color printer and industrial marking markets, it has become accepted as a precision microdispensing technology. With this broader view of the technologies encompassed by the term ink-jet, applications in electronics, optics, displays, virtual reality, medical diagnostics, and medical procedures have been developed using ink-jet fluid microdispensing as an enabling technology.This paper will survey these nontraditional applications of ink-jet printing technology and focus on solder, optical polymer, armoa, reagent, and optical absorber printing, along with unique requirements and fluid properties associated with these applications. Other applications that will be discussed include genetic diagnostics, protein based drug discovery (proteomics), light emitting polymers, organic semiconductors, and electronic materials. Issues associated with jetting fundamentals versus system requirements will be highlighted.

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David B. Wallace, Donald J. Hayes, "Solder Jet™ - Optics Jet™ - AromaJet™ - Reagent Jet - Tooth Jet and other Applications of Ink-Jet Printing Technologyin Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP18),  2002,  pp 228 - 235,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2002
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
nip digi fabric conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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