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Volume: 17 | Article ID: art00103_1
Printer Simulation Model
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2001.17.1.art00103_1  Published OnlineJanuary 2001

Image quality is one of the most important features of any printer, and unfortunately also one of the least tangible.In developing a new printer, it would be convenient to have a method to predict what the image quality of this printer will be, before one has actually built it. One method is to try and estimate the image quality parameters (like graininess, line sharpness, bleeding etc) from the design parameters like drop size, placement accuracy, interlacing, ink behavior etc.However the traditional image quality parameters produce a series of numbers which are not easily interpreted, making it difficult to determine which printer design parameters are too tight or too wide.Therefore we tried to simulate the output of the printer with different design parameters to get an idea of the print quality of the printer which is understandable for everyone.To produce this simulation, an image is put through the normal color management, dithering and interlacing scheme, and for each drop of ink, the position of this drop (including all positioning errors), its size and intensity is stored. This information of drop positions and properties is fed to a raster image processor, to create an image at a higher resolution than the printer we try to simulate. This high-resolution image can than be printed on either a high-resolution printer for normal viewing, or enlarged for viewing from a larger distance.

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P.L.J. Welten, C.J.H. de Zeeuw, "Printer Simulation Modelin Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP17),  2001,  pp 458 - 461,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2001
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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