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Volume: 2 | Article ID: art00021
HDR4CV: High Dynamic Range Dataset with Adversarial Illumination for Testing Computer Vision Methods
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2021.65.4.040404  Published OnlineJuly 2021

Benchmark datasets used for testing computer vision (CV) methods often contain little variation in illumination. The methods that perform well on these datasets have been observed to fail under challenging illumination conditions encountered in the real world, in particular, when the dynamic range of a scene is high. The authors present a new dataset for evaluating CV methods in challenging illumination conditions such as low light, high dynamic range, and glare. The main feature of the dataset is that each scene has been captured in all the adversarial illuminations. Moreover, each scene includes an additional reference condition with uniform illumination, which can be used to automatically generate labels for the tested CV methods. We demonstrate the usefulness of the dataset in a preliminary study by evaluating the performance of popular face detection, optical flow, and object detection methods under adversarial illumination conditions. We further assess whether the performance of these applications can be improved if a different transfer function is used.

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Param Hanji, Muhammad Z. Alam, Nicola Giuliani, Hu Chen, Rafał K. Mantiuk, "HDR4CV: High Dynamic Range Dataset with Adversarial Illumination for Testing Computer Vision Methodsin Proc. IS&T London Imaging Meeting 2021: Imaging for Deep Learning,  2021,  pp 40404 - 40404,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2021
London Imaging Meeting
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
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