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Proceedings Paper
Volume: 37 | Article ID: AVM-110
Data optimization strategies for collaborative perception
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2025.37.15.AVM-110  Published OnlineFebruary 2025

Collaborative perception for autonomous vehicles aims to overcome the limitations of individual perception. Sharing information between multiple agents resolve multiple problems, such as occlusion, sensor range limitations, and blind spots. One of the biggest challenge is to find the right trade-off between perception performance and communication bandwidth. This article proposes a new cooperative perception pipeline based on the Where2comm algorithm with optimization strategies to reduce the amount of transmitted data between several agents. Those strategies involve a data reduction module in the encoder part for efficient selection of the most important features and a new representation of messages to be exchanged in a V2X manner that takes into account a vector of information and its positions instead of a high-dimensional feature map. Our approach is evaluated on two simulated datasets, OPV2V and V2XSet. The accuracy is increased by around 7% with AP@50 on both datasets and the communication volume is reduced by 89.77% and 92.19% on V2XSet and OPV2V respectively.

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Besma Abdali, Quentin Picard, Maryem Fadili, "Data optimization strategies for collaborative perceptionin Electronic Imaging,  2025,  pp 110-1 - 110-5,

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Electronic Imaging
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