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Proceedings Paper
Volume: 37 | Article ID: HPCI-184
Scale-up Unlearnable Examples Learning with High-performance Computing
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2025.37.12.HPCI-184  Published OnlineFebruary 2025

Recent advancements in AI models, like ChatGPT, are structured to retain user interactions, which could inadvertently include sensitive healthcare data. In the healthcare field, particularly when radiologists use AI-driven diagnostic tools hosted on online platforms, there is a risk that medical imaging data may be repurposed for future AI training without explicit consent, spotlighting critical privacy and intellectual property concerns around healthcare data usage. Addressing these privacy challenges, a novel approach known as Unlearnable Examples (UEs) has been introduced, aiming to make data unlearnable to deep learning models. A prominent method within this area, called Unlearnable Clustering (UC), has shown improved UE performance with larger batch sizes but was previously limited by computational resources (e.g., a single workstation). To push the boundaries of UE performance with theoretically unlimited resources, we scaled up UC learning across various datasets using Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) training on the Summit supercomputer. Our goal was to examine UE efficacy at high-performance computing (HPC) levels to prevent unauthorized learning and enhance data security, particularly exploring the impact of batch size on UE’s unlearnability. Utilizing the robust computational capabilities of the Summit, extensive experiments were conducted on diverse datasets such as Pets, MedMNist, Flowers, and Flowers102. Our findings reveal that both overly large and overly small batch sizes can lead to performance instability and affect accuracy. However, the relationship between batch size and unlearnability varied across datasets, highlighting the necessity for tailored batch size strategies to achieve optimal data protection. The use of Summit’s high-performance GPUs, along with the efficiency of the DDP framework, facilitated rapid updates of model parameters and consistent training across nodes. Our results underscore the critical role of selecting appropriate batch sizes based on the specific characteristics of each dataset to prevent learning and ensure data security in deep learning applications. The source code is publicly available at https: // github. com/ hrlblab/ UE_ HPC .

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Yanfan Zhu, Issac Lyngaas, Murali Gopalakrishnan Meena, Mary Ellen I. Koran, Bradley Malin, Daniel Moyer, Shunxing Bao, Anuj Kapadia, Xiao Wang, Bennett Landman, Yuankai Huo, "Scale-up Unlearnable Examples Learning with High-performance Computingin Electronic Imaging,  2025,  pp 184-1 - 184-6,

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Electronic Imaging
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