Videokymographic (VKG) images of the human larynx are often used for automatic vibratory feature extraction for diagnostic purposes. One of the most challenging parameters to evaluate is the mucosal wave's presence and its lateral peaks' sharpness. Although these features can be clinically helpful and give an insight into the health and pliability of vocal fold mucosa, the identification and visual estimation of the sharpness can be challenging for human examiners and even more so for an automatic process. This work aims to create and validate a method that can automatically quantify the lateral peak sharpness from the VKG images using a convolutional neural network.
Aleš Zita, Šimon Greško, Adam Novozámský, Michal Šorel, Barbara Zitová, Jan G. Švec, Jitka Vydrová, "Automatic estimation of mucosal waves lateral peak sharpness – Modern approach" in Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp 300-1 - 300-5,