Open-source technologies (OSINT) and Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT) are becoming increasingly popular with investigative and government agencies, intelligence services, media companies, and corporations. These OSINT and SOCMINT technologies use sophisticated techniques and special tools to efficiently analyze the continually growing sources of information. There is a great need for training and further education in the OSINT field worldwide. This report describes the importance of open source or social media intelligence for evaluating disaster management. It also gives an overview of the government work in Australia, Haiti, and Japan for disaster management using various OSINT tools and platforms. Thus, decision support for using OSINT and SOCMINT tools is given, and the necessary training needs for investigators can be better estimated.
Nazneen Mansoor, Klaus Schwarz, Reiner Creutzburg, "Importance of OSINT/SOCMINT for modern disaster management evaluation - Australia, Haiti, Japan" in Electronic Imaging, 2023, pp 354-1 - 354-14,