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Volume: 34 | Article ID: IMAGE-288
Mix-loss trained bias-removed blind image denoising network
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2022.34.8.IMAGE-288  Published OnlineJanuary 2022

We studied the modern deep convolutional neural networks used for image denoising, where RGB input images are transformed into RGB output images via feed-forward convolutional neural networks that use a loss defined in the RGB color space. Considering the difference between human visual perception and objective evaluation metrics such as PSNR or SSIM, we propose a data augmentation technique and demonstrate that it is equivalent to defining a perceptual loss function. We trained a network based on this and obtained visually pleasing denoised results. We also combine an unsupervised design and the bias-free network to deal with the overfitting due to the absence of clean images, and improve performance when the noise level exceeds the training range.

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Yi Yang, Chih-Hsien Chou, Jan P. Allebach, "Mix-loss trained bias-removed blind image denoising networkin Electronic Imaging,  2022,  pp 288-1 - 288-7,

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Electronic Imaging
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