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Volume: 34 | Article ID: HVEI-131
A comparison of non-experts and experts using DSIS method
  DOI :  10.2352/EI.2022.34.11.HVEI-131  Published OnlineJanuary 2022

Subjective evaluations are necessary to learn how expected viewers perceive the quality of a system. Traditionally, non-expert subjective tests are preferred rather than expert tests. In this study, we conducted subjective evaluation experiments for non-experts and experts on compressed 8K videos using the double stimulus impairment scale (DSIS) method and analyzed the experimental results expressed in terms of the mean opinion score (MOS), which is the average of individual scores. Furthermore, we investigated the differences between non-experts and experts by considering a new method in P.913 that estimates an improved MOS and a new experimental method using experts, called expert viewing protocol (EVP). Our contribution shows advantages of conducting expert subjective tests, such as EVP: expert tests allow to perform experiments with fewer subjects, to distinguish between original and distorted images, to determine a lower threshold for the image quality, to distribute scores in an appropriate range, and to constantly gain MOS values equal to improved MOS values.

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Yasuko Sugito, Yuichi Kusakabe, "A comparison of non-experts and experts using DSIS methodin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging,  2022,  pp 131-1 - 131-6,

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