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Volume: 33 | Article ID: art00009
Industrial defect detection by comparison with reference 3D CAD model
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2021.8.IMAWM-281  Published OnlineJanuary 2021

In this work, we propose a method that detects and segments manufacturing defects in objects using only RGB images. The method can be divided into three different integrated modules: object detection, pose estimation and defect segmentation. The first two modules are deep learning-based approaches and were trained exclusively with synthetic data generated with a 3D rendering engine. The first module, object detector, is based on the Mask R-CNN method and provides the classification and segmentation of the object of interest as the output. The second module, pose estimator, uses the category of the object and the coordinates of the detection as input to estimate the pose with 6 degrees-of-freedom with an autoencoder-based approach. Thereafter it is possible to render the reference 3D CAD model with the estimated pose over the detected object and compare the real object with its virtual model. The third and last step uses only image processing techniques, such as morphology operations and dense alignment, to compare the segmentation of the detected object from the first step, and the mask of the rendered object of the second step. The output is an image with the shape defects highlighted. We evaluate our method on a custom test set with the intersection over union metric, and our results indicate the method is robust to small imprecision from each module.

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Deangeli G. Neves, Guilherme A. S. Megeto, Augusto C. Valente, Qian Lin, "Industrial defect detection by comparison with reference 3D CAD modelin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Imaging and Multimedia Analytics in a Web and Mobile World,  2021,  pp 281-1 - 281-7,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2021
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