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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00002
A 4-tap global shutter pixel with enhanced IR sensitivity for VGA time-of-flight CMOS image sensors
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.7.ISS-103  Published OnlineJanuary 2020

An indirect time-of-flight (ToF) CMOS image sensor has been designed with 4-tap 7 μm global shutter pixel in back-side illumination process. 15000 e- of high full-well capacity (FWC) per a tap of 3.5 μm pitch and 3.6 e- of read-noise has been realized by employing true correlated double sampling (CDS) structure with storage gates (SGs). Noble characteristics such as 86 % of demodulation contrast (DC) at 100MHz operation, 37 % of higher quantum efficiency (QE) and lower parasitic light sensitivity (PLS) at 940 nm have been achieved. As a result, the proposed ToF sensor shows depth noise less than 0.3 % with 940 nm illuminator in even long distance.

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Taesub Jung, Yonghun Kwon, Sungyoung Seo, Min-Sun Keel, Changkeun Lee, Sung-Ho Choi, Sae-Young Kim, Sunghyuck Cho, Youngchan Kim, Young-Gu Jin, Moosup Lim, Hyunsurk Ryu, Yitae Kim, Joonseok Kim, Chang-Rok Moon, "A 4-tap global shutter pixel with enhanced IR sensitivity for VGA time-of-flight CMOS image sensorsin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Imaging Sensors and Systems,  2020,  pp 103-1 - 103-6,

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