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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00003
Automotive Image Quality Concepts for the next SAE levels: Color Separation and Contrast Detection Probability
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2020.16.AVM-019  Published OnlineJanuary 2020

In this paper, we present an overview of automotive image quality challenges and link them to the physical properties of image acquisition. This process shows that the detection probability based KPIs are a helpful tool to link image quality to the tasks of the SAE classified supported and automated driving tasks. We develop questions around the challenges of the automotive image quality and show that especially color separation probability (CSP) and contrast detection probability (CDP) are a key enabler to improve the knowhow and overview of the image quality optimization problem. Next we introduce a proposal for color separation probability as a new KPI which is based on the random effects of photon shot noise and the properties of light spectra that cause color metamerism. This allows us to demonstrate the image quality influences related to color at different stages of the image generation pipeline. As a second part we investigated the already presented KPI Contrast Detection Probability and show how it links to different metrics of automotive imaging such as HDR, low light performance and detectivity of an object. As conclusion, this paper summarizes the status of the standardization status within IEEE P2020 of these detection probability based KPIs and outlines the next steps for these work packages.

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Marc Geese, "Automotive Image Quality Concepts for the next SAE levels: Color Separation and Contrast Detection Probabilityin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Autonomous Vehicles and Machines,  2020,  pp 19-1 - 19-10,

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Electronic Imaging
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