This paper presents an algorithm for indoor layout estimation and reconstruction through the fusion of a sequence of captured images and LiDAR data sets. In the proposed system, a movable platform collects both intensity images and 2D LiDAR information. Pose estimation and semantic
segmentation is computed jointly by aligning the LiDAR points to line segments from the images. For indoor scenes with walls orthogonal to floor, the alignment problem is decoupled into top-down view projection and a 2D similarity transformation estimation and solved by the recursive random
sample consensus (R-RANSAC) algorithm. Hypotheses can be generated, evaluated and optimized by integrating new scans as the platform moves throughout the environment. The proposed method avoids the need of extensive prior training or a cuboid layout assumption, which is more effective and
practical compared to most previous indoor layout estimation methods. Multi-sensor fusion allows the capability of providing accurate depth estimation and high resolution visual information.
Journal Title : Electronic Imaging
Publisher Name : Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Publisher Location : 7003 Kilworth Lane, Springfield, VA 22151 USA
Jieyu Li, Robert L. Stevenson, "Indoor Layout Estimation by 2D LiDAR and Camera Fusion" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Computational Imaging XVIII,2020,pp 391-1 - 391-7,
Indoor Layout Estimation by 2D LiDAR and Camera Fusion
StevensonRobert L.
This paper presents an algorithm for indoor layout estimation and reconstruction through the fusion of a sequence of captured images and LiDAR data sets. In the proposed system, a movable platform collects both intensity images and 2D LiDAR information. Pose estimation and semantic
segmentation is computed jointly by aligning the LiDAR points to line segments from the images. For indoor scenes with walls orthogonal to floor, the alignment problem is decoupled into top-down view projection and a 2D similarity transformation estimation and solved by the recursive random
sample consensus (R-RANSAC) algorithm. Hypotheses can be generated, evaluated and optimized by integrating new scans as the platform moves throughout the environment. The proposed method avoids the need of extensive prior training or a cuboid layout assumption, which is more effective and
practical compared to most previous indoor layout estimation methods. Multi-sensor fusion allows the capability of providing accurate depth estimation and high resolution visual information.
indoor layout estimationLiDAR and camera fusion3D reconstruction