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Volume: 30 | Article ID: art00016
Full-parallax and high-quality multiview 3D image acquisition method using camera slider
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.04.SDA-411  Published OnlineJanuary 2018

In this paper, we propose a full-parallax and high-quality three-dimensional (3D) image acquisition method using camera slider for the real object. The proposed method uses the available fewer cameras and a camera slider, and captures the various viewpoints of the real object. Three identical cameras are mounted in the vertical direction and these cameras capture the different perspective images of the object at the same time, while the camera slides to the left and right directions horizontally. Here, we used a camera slider that allows the camera to view only the center portion of the object during sliding. Although the available fewer cameras are utilized, the hardware difference between the cameras often occurs, the additional calibration processes for color and brightness is required. In addition, through the camera calibration method, the distortion and position-depended calibration are performed. Afterwards, the pixels of the synthesized image which includes all of the viewpoint information that is rearranged according to the given multiview display specifications, at least, the high-quality multiview 3D image is generated.

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Byeong-Jun Kim, Ki-Chul Kwon, Jae-Min Lee, Young-Tae Lim, Nam Kim, "Full-parallax and high-quality multiview 3D image acquisition method using camera sliderin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIX,  2018,  pp 411-1 - 411-6,

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Electronic Imaging
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