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Volume: 30 | Article ID: art00024
Recent advances in detection and healing of streaks caused by dust in a sheetfed scanner
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2018.16.COLOR-418  Published OnlineJanuary 2018

Sheetfed scanners are widely used for scanning stacks of loose pages at high speed. The scanhead in the sheet-fed scanners is stationary and the page is fed with an automatic document feeder. When dust particles get stuck onto the scanner glass, they reflect the incident light and cause vertical streaks in the scanned images. These artifacts are known as dust streaks. We have developed a method for detecting dust streaks and the results were published in our previous paper [1]. In this study, we have refined our features for dust detection and added features for detecting tables. In addition, we looked into two methods for healing defective images: an exemplar based method and a diffusion based method. We applied these methods to remove dust streaks, punch holes, and torn corners from scanned images.

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Daulet Kenzhebalin, Ni Yan, Peter Bauer, Jerry Wagner, Jan Allebach, "Recent advances in detection and healing of streaks caused by dust in a sheetfed scannerin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXIII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,  2018,  pp 418-1 - 418-13,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
Electronic Imaging
Society for Imaging Science and Technology