This paper is devoted to analysis and further improvement of full-reference metrics of image visual quality. The effectiveness of a metric is characterized by the rank correlation factors between the obtained array of mean opinion scores (MOS) and the corresponding array of given metric values. This allows to determine the correspondence of a considered metric to a human visual system (HVS). Results obtained on the database TID2013 show that Spearman correlation for the best existing metrics (PSNRHMA, FSIM, SFF, etc.) does not exceed 0.85. In this paper, extended verification tools that allow to detect the shortcomings of the metrics taking into account combined distortions is proposed. An example for further improvement of the PSNRHMA metric is presented.
Oleg Ieremeiev, Vladimir Lukin, Nikolay Ponomarenko, Karen Egiazarian, "Full-reference metrics multidistortional analysis" in Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XV, 2017, pp 27 - 35,