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Volume: 29 | Article ID: art00023
Detection of streaks caused by dust in the sheetfed scanners
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2017.12.IQSP-234  Published OnlineJanuary 2017

Dust in the scanner may cause vertical streaks in the scanned image since it reflects some part of the incident light. In this paper, we propose a method for detecting streaks in the scanned images that are a direct result of dust on the scanner glass. This lets customers resolve the issue without calling the maintenance. The solution includes denoising, conversion to opponent color space, calculation of ΔE', calculation of features, and classification. We denoise the image in order to remove halftones in case the image was halftoned. Opponent color space lets us look separately at luminance channel and chrominance channels. We have developed three features that use the data in luminance and chrominance channels. Eventually, we will use these features to detect streaks, and distinguish them from content.

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Daulet Kenzhebalin, Xing Liu, Ni Yan, Peter Bauer, Jerry Wagner, Jan Allebach, "Detection of streaks caused by dust in the sheetfed scannersin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Image Quality and System Performance XIV,  2017,  pp 159 - 165,

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Electronic Imaging
Society for Imaging Science and Technology