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Volume: 28 | Article ID: art00015
Spatial Gamut Mapping based on Guided Filter
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.20.COLOR-321  Published OnlineFebruary 2016

A new spatial gamut mapping algorithm is presented in this paper. The guided filter is used to decompose the original image into a low-frequency band (base layer) which contains only large-scale image-edges and a high-frequency band (detail layer); which contains image-details . The base layer image is processed through a pointwise gamut-mapping algorithm. The gamut mapped based layer image is combined with the enhanced detail layer image. The combination operation can cause some pixel colors that lie near the gamut boundary to be moved outside of the gamut, hence a second gamut mapping step is required to move these pixel colors back into the gamut. The algorithm is designed to reduce the halo-artifacts arising from spatial gamut mapping process. The evaluation experiments indicated that the proposed algorithm is better at image reproduction and detail preservation than pointwise techniques, and has a similar performance to other classical spatial gamut mapping techniques. In addition, the proposed algorithm with the proper guidedfilter parameters can not only have a good gamut mapping result but also reduce the halo-artifacts effectively.

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Ming Zhu, Jon Y. Hardeberg, Na Wang, Bangyong Sun, "Spatial Gamut Mapping based on Guided Filterin Proc. IS&T Int’l. Symp. on Electronic Imaging: Color Imaging XXI: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications,  2016,

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Electronic Imaging
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