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Volume: 6 | Article ID: art00034
Color Gamut Mapping in a Hue-Linearized CIELAB Color Space
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.1998.6.1.art00034  Published OnlineJanuary 1998

Color gamut mapping plays a crucial role in color management. Depending on the application, it is sometimes desirable to perform color gamut mapping by shifting the lightness and compressing the chroma of an out-of-gamut color while preserving the perceived hue of the color. The term “perceived hue” is used to distinguish between the visual sensation of hue and metric hue angle [e.g., CIELAB hue angle (hab)]. If a gamut-mapping task constrains CIELAB metric hue angle in the “blue” region of CIELAB, a perceived-hue shift will result. Due to these non-linearities, two hue-linearized versions of the CIELAB color space were generated, one from the Hung and Berns visual data and one from the Ebner and Fairchild data set. Both data sets consist of visually mapped hue data to planes of constant visual hue. These modified versions of the CIELAB color space were psychophysically tested for their hue-linearity characteristics against the CIELAB color space. The results of these experiments show that, in the “blue” region of CIELAB, the hue-corrected color spaces are more visually uniform and perform better than CIELAB in gamut mapping situations with respect to perceived hue. However, the CIELAB color space performed as good as or better than either hue-corrected spaces outside of the blue region.

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Gustav J. Braun, Mark D. Fairchild, Fritz Ebner, "Color Gamut Mapping in a Hue-Linearized CIELAB Color Spacein Proc. IS&T 6th Color and Imaging Conf.,  1998,  pp 163 - 168,

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Color and Imaging Conference
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