A basic requirement in any electronic imaging system, is the ability to interpolate image data by resampling the scanned input image. This is particularly true when working with relatively low resolution images on a desktop system, for output on a high resolution color transparency film recorder such as the LightJet 2000.A major problem with any interpolation algorithm which produces a sharp result is that the optimum sharpness of the resultant image is dependent on local image content. The sharpness of the interpolated image therefore needs to be altered depending on local image content.We are proposing a method which provides a continuum of interpolated images from relatively sharp at one end to relatively smooth at the other end. A user has the ability to select any degree of sharpness or smoothness in the interpolated output image, within the limits of the full sharpness and full smoothness results. In addition, a user can specify sharpness depending on local image contrast and density.
Alastair Reed, Ron Cotner, "Adaptive Interpolation" in Proc. IS&T 3rd Color and Imaging Conf., 1995, pp 143 - 148, https://doi.org/10.2352/CIC.1995.3.1.art00038