A fast, spatially adaptive filter for smoothing colour images while preserving edges is proposed. To preserve the edges, we use a constraint that prohibits the increasing of the gradients in the process of diffusion. This constraint is shown to be very effective in preserving details
and flexible in cases where more smoothing is desired. In addition, a filter of exponentially increasing diameter is used to allow averaging non-adjacent pixels, including those separated by strong edges.
Journal Title : Color and Imaging Conference
Publisher Name : Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Publisher Location : 7003 Kilworth Lane, Springfield, VA 22151 USA
Ali Alsam, Hans Jakob Rivertz, "Long range diffusion with control of the directional differences" in Proc. IS&T 29th Color and Imaging Conf.,2021,pp 323 - 327, https://doi.org/10.2352/issn.2169-2629.2021.29.323
Long range diffusion with control of the directional differences
Jakob RivertzHans
A fast, spatially adaptive filter for smoothing colour images while preserving edges is proposed. To preserve the edges, we use a constraint that prohibits the increasing of the gradients in the process of diffusion. This constraint is shown to be very effective in preserving details
and flexible in cases where more smoothing is desired. In addition, a filter of exponentially increasing diameter is used to allow averaging non-adjacent pixels, including those separated by strong edges.