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Volume: 29 | Article ID: art00003
GamutNet: Restoring Wide-Gamut Colors for Camera-Captured Images
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2169-2629.2021.29.7  Published OnlineNovember 2021

Most cameras still encode images in the small-gamut sRGB color space. The reliance on sRGB is disappointing as modern display hardware and image-editing software are capable of using wider-gamut color spaces. Converting a small-gamut image to a wider-gamut is a challenging problem. Many devices and software use colorimetric strategies that map colors from the small gamut to their equivalent colors in the wider gamut. This colorimetric approach avoids visual changes in the image but leaves much of the target wide-gamut space unused. Noncolorimetric approaches stretch or expand the small-gamut colors to enhance image colors while risking color distortions. We take a unique approach to gamut expansion by treating it as a restoration problem. A key insight used in our approach is that cameras internally encode images in a wide-gamut color space (i.e., ProPhoto) before compressing and clipping the colors to sRGB's smaller gamut. Based on this insight, we use a softwarebased camera ISP to generate a dataset of 5,000 image pairs of images encoded in both sRGB and ProPhoto. This dataset enables us to train a neural network to perform wide-gamut color restoration. Our deep-learning strategy achieves significant improvements over existing solutions and produces color-rich images with few to no visual artifacts.

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Hoang Le, Taehong Jeong, Abdelrahman Abdelhamed, Hyun Joon Shin, Michael S. Brown, "GamutNet: Restoring Wide-Gamut Colors for Camera-Captured Imagesin Proc. IS&T 29th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2021,  pp 7 - 12,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2021
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
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