In this paper we discuss a model to estimate the power consumption and lifetime (LT) of an OLED display based on its pixel value and the brightness setting of the screen (scbr). This model is used to illustrate the effect of OLED aging on display color characteristics. Model parameters are based on power consumption measurement of a given display for a number of pixel and scbr combinations. OLED LT is often given for the most stressful display operating situation, i.e. white image at maximum scbr, but having the ability to predict the LT for other configurations can be meaningful to estimate the impact and quality of new image processing algorithms. After explaining our model we present a use case to illustrate how we use it to evaluate the impact of an image processing algorithm for brightness adaptation.
Jérémie Gerhardt, Michael E. Miller, Hyunjin Yoo, Tara Akhavan, "Estimating OLED Display Device Lifetime from pixel and screen brightness and its application" in Proc. IS&T 27th Color and Imaging Conf., 2019, pp 331 - 338,