We introduce a thread-safe color management library, LittleCMS-MT. It is a fork of the popular LittleCMS color management library. The issues with LittleCMS are described and the approach used to create LittleCMS-MT is discussed. The architectural design of using a thread-safe color management library with open source projects used for rendering page description languages is covered. Performance results using Ghostscript with LittleCMS-MT vs. LittleCMS and standard test files are provided.
Michael J. Vrhel, Robin Watts, Ray Johnston, "LittleCMS-MT: A thread-safe open source color management library" in Proc. IS&T 26th Color and Imaging Conf., 2018, pp 383 - 389, https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2018.26.383