LED-based tunable luminaires are capable of reproducing with high degree offidelity a variety of constant and time-varying illuminants. The quality of a particular light source is characterized by color-rendering fidelity metrics (CRI, CIE-51, and more recently, TM-30), which quantifY the closeness in appearance of a specific set of color evaluation samples under a test light source and a reference source. Wepresent an approach to optimizing the output of a multi-channel light source for any desired illumination spectra and for any given set of color evaluation samples; discuss examples of useful lighting other than thermal and daylight illuminants and the value of time-changing illumination; and describe the basic operation of illumination player.
Dima Simonian, Steve Paolini, "Illumination Content Player" in Proc. IS&T 26th Color and Imaging Conf., 2018, pp 81 - 85, https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2169-2629.2018.26.81