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Volume: 23 | Article ID: art00012
Spatio-Spectral Gamut Mapping and Separation
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2015.23.1.art00012  Published OnlineOctober 2015

Spectral printing aims to achieve an illuminant-invariant match between the original and the reproduction. Due to limited printer spectral gamuts, an errorless spectral reproduction is mostly impossible, and spectral gamut mapping is required to reduce perceptual errors. The recently proposed paramermismatch-based spectral gamut mapping (PMSGM) strategy minimizes such errors. However, due to its pixel-wise processing, it may result in severely different tonal values for spectrally similar adjacent pixels, causing unwanted edges (banding) in the final printout. While the addition of some noise to the a* and b* channels of the colorimetric (e.g., CIELAB) image—rendered for the first illuminant—prior to gamut mapping solves the banding problem, it adversely increases the image graininess. In this article, the authors combine the PMSGM strategy with subsequent spectral separation, considering the spatial neighborhood within the tonal-value space and the illuminant-dependent perceptual spaces to directly compute tonal values. Their results show significant improvements to the PMSGM method in terms of avoiding banding artifacts.

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Sepideh Samadzadegan, Philipp Urban, "Spatio-Spectral Gamut Mapping and Separationin Proc. IS&T 23rd Color and Imaging Conf.,  2015,  pp 58 - 69,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2015
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society for Imaging Science and Technology