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Volume: 19 | Article ID: art00042
Adaptively Selecting a Printer ColorWorkflow
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2011.19.1.art00042  Published OnlineJanuary 2011

We present a novel approach to adaptively selecting a color workflow solution per document. The success of a color management solution is often dependent on the document's content. In most workflows, either a compromise between options is chosen for all documents or each document is manually processed. Increased interest in color management has led to more options that a user may choose between, with a variety of choices that impact the perceived quality of the reproductions.Our proposed method automatically selects a color workflow (output profile and rendering intent) for each input document, dictated by the document's characteristics and a set of color workflow performance tests. The choice of performance tests is specific to each of the predefined quality attributes. A selection engine uses these results, weighs them and makes a recommendation on which workflow to apply. The experimental results indicate that the selection engine can determine which rendering intent to apply, but more work is needed in selecting the exact color workflow when the profiles are of similar quality.

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Kristyn Falkenstern, Nicolas Bonnier, Hans Brettel, Mehdi Felhi, Françoise Viénot, "Adaptively Selecting a Printer ColorWorkflowin Proc. IS&T 19th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2011,  pp 205 - 210,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2011
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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