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Volume: 18 | Article ID: art00031
Motion Picture Versioning by Gamut Mapping
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2010.18.1.art00031  Published OnlineJanuary 2010

Historical frontiers between different content types (motion picture, games, television) and distribution channels (cinema, broadcast, pull services, physical media) are vanishing today. In motion picture production, several products are generated for a single motion picture project, among those the argentic and the digital cinema masters, a DVD master, a trailer and even a video game. Each type or version of the motion picture requires several technical and artistic steps to be done. This paper addresses the management of different color gamuts and proposes to use gamut mapping algorithms as support for color correction in motion picture versioning. In both, manual color correction and gamut mapping, colors are definitively changed. Gamut mapping algorithms can only be a tool to ease artistic work. This paper identifies requirements, reviews existing gamut mapping algorithms and then proposes a toolbox for gamut versioning adapted for motion picture post-production. One of the main requirements is the separate and explicit control of hue, saturation and lightness aspects of color. We propose a new cusp-oriented lightbness mapping that allows a better tradeoff between saturation loss and gamut efficiency. We also describe an enhanced method for automatic estimation of the cusp of a color gamut. A psycho-physical evaluation framework is used to evaluate different combinations of gamut mapping algorithms for motion picture versioning. We specifically analyzed night scenes, animated content, face close-ups, scenes with dominant white portions and general scenes. Results show that the new cusporiented lightness mapping enhances the subjective quality of processed versions for most of those scene types.

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Jürgen Stauder, Corinne Porée, Patrick Morvan, Laurent Blondé, "Motion Picture Versioning by Gamut Mappingin Proc. IS&T 18th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2010,  pp 178 - 183,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2010
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
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