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Volume: 17 | Article ID: art00016
A Home Décor expert in your camera
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2009.17.1.art00016  Published OnlineJanuary 2009

We present a method to give color advice for Home Décor using images of room finishes, such as paint, flooring, or textiles, taken with uncalibrated cameras. Due to variations in color rendering across devices, an object imaged with different cameras will have different color values. Color information can still be accurately retrieved from uncalibrated images taken under uncontrolled lighting conditions with an unknown device and no access to raw data, when a limited number of known reference colors are available in the scene.We demonstrate that the color of any object can be corrected using a number of calibration targets. A colored object is imaged with an appropriate calibration target in the scene. This target is extracted and its color values are used to compute a color correction transform that is applied to the entire image. Our system finds the closest match of the imaged object to a database of color coordinated paints. We can then supply the users with the appropriate color coordinates. Our results were validated by a Home Décor expert.

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J. Marguier, N. Bhatti, H. Baker, S. Süsstrunk, "A Home Décor expert in your camerain Proc. IS&T 17th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2009,  pp 85 - 90,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2009
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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