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Volume: 14 | Article ID: art00042
ICC Profile Based Defect Simulation
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2006.14.1.art00042  Published OnlineJanuary 2006

Standard accelerated lightfastness testing, when applied to output from today's generation of inkjet printers often produces estimates of over 100 years before typical light exposures will unacceptably degrade photographic-quality prints. However, these print longevity estimates do little to summarize the sort of changes that occure before failure criteria are met, and they provide an insufficient indication of the visual appearance of a print at the point of failure. Many ink-jet customers, including professional photographers, would be more confident in using a particular print system (device, ink and paper) if they could accurately visualize how their prints will look after a certain number of years of light exposure. Then they could decide for themselves if a print is still acceptable or not. We have developed a method that enables a visualization of the appearance of a print at various levels of light exposure upto and beyond the time where lightfastness failure would be predicted to happen. The method uses specially created ICC profiles. The simulations can be viewed on a calibrated monitor, or for a more accurate representation, printed on the particular printer-ink-paper combination in question. This technique can also be extended to simulate other defects, like how a color image appears to an individual with impaired color vision. Overall, the technique enables printer manufacturers, paper manufacturers and third parties to provide ICC defect simulation profiles that allow customers to assess the appearance of a print in the distant future. This is a capability that simply does not exist at the moment and that could be quite compelling, expecially to professionals who earn a living with their prints.

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Ingeborg Tastl, Kok-Wei Koh, Nathan Moroney, David Rossing, David Berfanger, "ICC Profile Based Defect Simulationin Proc. IS&T 14th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2006,  pp 230 - 233,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2006
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
Society of Imaging Science and Technology
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