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Volume: 12 | Article ID: art00037
Maintaining an Accurate Printer Characterization
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2004.12.1.art00037  Published OnlineJanuary 2004

In this study, the problem of updating a printer characterization in response to systematic changes in print-device characteristics is addressed with two distinct approaches: the creation of corrective models used in conjunction with an existing device model, and the re-evaluation of regression-model parameters using an augmented characterization data set. Several types of corrective models are evaluated, including polynomial models and neuralnetwork models. A significant reduction in error was realized by incorporating these techniques into the color-management program NeuralColor. The most successful of these methods was a quadratic polynomial correction model, which removed 90% of the error introduced by a change of paper stock, and all of the error introduced by a change in toner cartridge. A general conclusion is that simple corrective models exhibiting global control are preferred over more complex models which may introduce local errors.

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David Littlewood, Ganesh Subbarayan, "Maintaining an Accurate Printer Characterizationin Proc. IS&T 12th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2004,  pp 203 - 210,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
Color and Imaging Conference
color imaging conf
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