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Volume: 12 | Article ID: art00030
Extending Printing Color Gamut by Optimizing the Spectral Reflectance of Inks
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2004.12.1.art00030  Published OnlineJanuary 2004

A computer simulation was performed to investigate the optimum combinations of three- and four-chromatic inks in order to maximize the color gamut for halftone printing. A virtual printing model was created based on the Yule-Nielsen-spectral-Neugebauer equations and Kubelka-Munk turbid media theory and was used to predict the spectral reflectances and colorimetric coordinates of prints. In this manner, the spectral properties of a printer's entire color gamut were predicted from the spectral properties of ink and paper. A new method was developed to derive plausible ink spectral properties based on two Gaussian functions. The results showed that the optimum three-chromatic inks, as expected, were cyan, magenta and yellow. For four chromatic inks, several optimal results were found.

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Yongda Chen, Roy S. Berns, Lawrence A. Taplin, "Extending Printing Color Gamut by Optimizing the Spectral Reflectance of Inksin Proc. IS&T 12th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2004,  pp 163 - 169,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
Color and Imaging Conference
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