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Volume: 11 | Article ID: art00049
A Multi–Resolution, Full–Colour Spatial Gamut Mapping Algorithm
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2003.11.1.art00049  Published OnlineJanuary 2003

A multi–resolution, full–colour spatial gamut mapping algorithm (GMA) is proposed in this paper. Its aim is to maintain as much of an original image's overall, and in particular spatial, information as possible within the limits of a reproduction medium's gamut. First, the original image is decomposed into different spatial frequency bands. Second, lightness compression and initial gamut mapping are applied to the lowest frequency band image. Third, the next higher frequency band is added to the gamut mapped image and the result is processed by subsequent gamut mapping transformations. The third step is repeated until the highest frequency band is reached. The effect of this algorithm is that intra–image differences in the original image are well maintained in the gamut mapped reproduction. A psychophysical experiment is then described whose results show that this algorithm is in the pair of most accurate GMAs and can outperform all other algorithms tested here for images which are less accurately reproduced by all GMAs.

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Jan Morovic, Yu Wang, "A Multi–Resolution, Full–Colour Spatial Gamut Mapping Algorithmin Proc. IS&T 11th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2003,  pp 282 - 287,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2003
Color and Imaging Conference
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