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Volume: 10 | Article ID: art00030
Representative Data Selection for Standard Object Colour Spectra Database (SOCS)
  DOI :  10.2352/CIC.2002.10.1.art00030  Published OnlineJanuary 2002

‘Standard Object Colour Spectra Database for Colour Reproduction Evaluation (SOCS)’, which contains about 50,000 object color reflectances/transmittances, was published as a Japanese Industrial Standard Technical Report (JIS-TR) in 19981. To promote, widen and standardize usage of SOCS, we selected representative data sets, including both typical sets and difference sets. Typical set samples have average characteristics of whole data in an object group, and difference set samples have metameric characteristics to corresponding typical set samples, respectively. This paper describes concepts, purposes and algorithms by which they were selected from many spectral data samples.A total of 365 representative data samples (235 samples for typical sets and 130 samples for difference sets) were selected and evaluated to determine whether they meet the purposes for the sets. An experiment verified that they are very useful in the following applications.(a) Determination of simple color correction matrix using typical sets.(b) Easy evaluation of color reproduction quality for color sensors by a combinatorial use of typical and difference sets.ISO/TC130/WG2 is discussing SOCS as a new ISO technical report. The above-mentioned representative data sets will be the principal part of the technical report.

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Johji Tajima, Hideaki Haneishi, Nobutoshi Ojima, Masato Tsukada, "Representative Data Selection for Standard Object Colour Spectra Database (SOCS)in Proc. IS&T 10th Color and Imaging Conf.,  2002,  pp 155 - 160,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2002
Color and Imaging Conference
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