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Volume: 4 | Article ID: art00118
Spectral Gamut Mapping Framework based on Human Color Vision
  DOI :  10.2352/CGIV.2008.4.1.art00118  Published OnlineJanuary 2008

A new spectral gamut mapping framework is presented. It adjusts the reproduction, choosing spectra within the printer's gamut that satisfy colorimetric criteria across a hierarchical set of illuminants. For the most important illuminant a traditional gamut mapping is performed and for each additional considered illuminant colors are mapped into device and pixel dependent metamer mismatch gamuts. A computational separation method is proposed in order to test the framework. Utilizing this separation method on a seven channel printing system, experiments allowed a deeper view on the structure of the device and pixel dependent metamer mismatch gamuts and the possible directions in color space in which a potential metameric gamut mapping transformation could map out-of-metameric-gamut colors.

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Philipp Urban, Mitchell R. Rosen, Roy S. Berns, "Spectral Gamut Mapping Framework based on Human Color Visionin Proc. IS&T CGIV 2008/MCS'08 4th European Conf. on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision 10th Int'l Symp. on Multispectral Colour Science,  2008,  pp 548 - 553,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2008
Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision
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