This paper reports on a pilot study that investigates the practices of storage, display, and reproduction of photographic artefacts in government-managed museums in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Practices at three separate collections are compared, namely the Bensusan Museum of Photography in Johannesburg, the Duggan-Cronin collection in Kimberley, and the South African National Archives in Cape Town. This comparison is necessary to determine which best practices could be applied to preservation policies in the Western Cape.The outcome of the pilot study will inform, inter alia, the formulation of a policy to preserve and digitise the photographic artefacts in Western Cape museums, as well as piloting a programme of digitisation at one museum. The Simon's Town Museum was identified as suitable for a programme of digitisation.A survey among, and visits to museums identified common malpractices as well as good practices in the preservation and digitisation of historic photographs.The author has begun a pilot digitisation project at the Simon's Town Museum.
Irvine A.C. Meyer, "Photographs in Western Cape Museums (South Africa): Protecting the National Heritage" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2005, 2005, pp 32 - 36,