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Volume: 19 | Article ID: 9
How to Generate and Import Functional Test Cases into a Project Management Software System using Natural Language Processing
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2022.19.1.9  Published OnlineJune 2022

The main purpose of software testing is to identify what the software does and whether it matches its functional expectations. Applying a test plana allows one to prevent problems in early stages, identifying and addressing solutions before a project goes into production. Test cases play an important role during the software testing phase. A test case is a document with comprehensive details and sequences of actions to guide the software tester through the steps that need to be taken and the outputs that are expected. _x005F_x000D_ _x005F_x000D_ The proposed system generates test cases based on scraped data that are used to interact with Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches to generate functional test cases. A project management software (e.g., JIRA) is integrated with the JIRA python library to manage the test cases by the software tester.

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Ricardo Reyna, Steven J. Simske, "How to Generate and Import Functional Test Cases into a Project Management Software System using Natural Language Processingin Archiving Conference,  2022,  pp 40 - 44,

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Archiving Conference
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